Grants and Fellowships
Opens Jan 1 2022 12:00 AM (MST)


Investigators worldwide contributing to the detection or deterrence of performance-enhancing drugs are eligible for PCC Grants.

There are no maximum or minimal amounts for grant applications, though the average funding amount is roughly $130,000. To date, more than 275 projects have been approved for funding in more than 23 countries worldwide. Approximately 30% of applicants are awarded PCC funding.

PCC grant applications are subject to a thorough, expert-led peer review process. Be sure to visit our website to review the full updated list of Research Priorities of the PCC. Applications are required to be related to at least one Research Priority. Funding recommendations are made by the PCC’s 12 member Scientific Advisory Board based on a submission’s submission’s impact on anti-doping, overall quality of the application, proposed budget, and likelihood of success. Final funding decisions are made by the Board of Governors.

Grant Cycle Deadlines:
Pre-Applications are due February 1st and August 1st of each year. Applicants invited to submit full applications must do so by March 1st and September 1st, depending on the cycle (30 days after the pre-application due date).


As we aspire to help generate the world’s most effective and widely adopted methods and resources for detecting and deterring the use of performance-enhancing substances, the PCC recognizes the need to support scientists who invest their time and talent in anti-doping research. The Fellowship Program represents the PCC’s investment in the future of the anti-doping science community. The program supports qualified post-doctoral scientists at leading universities and WADA-accredited laboratories who demonstrate strong interest and potential for long-term contribution to the fields of anti-doping science. By cultivating ethical leadership and ongoing commitment to research, the Fellowship Program helps ensure the continuation of standards established by today’s anti-doping experts.

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Grants and Fellowships


Investigators worldwide contributing to the detection or deterrence of performance-enhancing drugs are eligible for PCC Grants.

There are no maximum or minimal amounts for grant applications, though the average funding amount is roughly $130,000. To date, more than 275 projects have been approved for funding in more than 23 countries worldwide. Approximately 30% of applicants are awarded PCC funding.

PCC grant applications are subject to a thorough, expert-led peer review process. Be sure to visit our website to review the full updated list of Research Priorities of the PCC. Applications are required to be related to at least one Research Priority. Funding recommendations are made by the PCC’s 12 member Scientific Advisory Board based on a submission’s submission’s impact on anti-doping, overall quality of the application, proposed budget, and likelihood of success. Final funding decisions are made by the Board of Governors.

Grant Cycle Deadlines:
Pre-Applications are due February 1st and August 1st of each year. Applicants invited to submit full applications must do so by March 1st and September 1st, depending on the cycle (30 days after the pre-application due date).


As we aspire to help generate the world’s most effective and widely adopted methods and resources for detecting and deterring the use of performance-enhancing substances, the PCC recognizes the need to support scientists who invest their time and talent in anti-doping research. The Fellowship Program represents the PCC’s investment in the future of the anti-doping science community. The program supports qualified post-doctoral scientists at leading universities and WADA-accredited laboratories who demonstrate strong interest and potential for long-term contribution to the fields of anti-doping science. By cultivating ethical leadership and ongoing commitment to research, the Fellowship Program helps ensure the continuation of standards established by today’s anti-doping experts.

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Jan 1 2022 12:00 AM (MST)